Policy Manual and Vendor’s Handbook

Our Mission Statement:

The SWFM encourages local agriculture by providing a congenial marketplace where shoppers may find locally grown, healthful produce and handcrafted products at affordable prices, thus enhancing our local economy and helping to re-vitalize our community.


The Sedro-Woolley Farmers’ Market Handbook was created following examination of the handbooks of several other farmers’ markets from around the State of Washington.

The Market has become a focal point for the community. With your support, and the support of the community, the Sedro-Woolley Farmers’ Market will continue to grow and expand over the years ahead.

Your membership and participation will keep the Market strong. We welcome your involvement in supporting local farmers and our community!


Annual membership is $25.00, and new members must pay an additional $5.00 application fee.

Stall Fees
Farmers $25.00
Processors $25.00
Crafters $25.00
Prepared Food Vendors $25.00

Vendors who pre-pay for 20 weeks ($500.00) will receive weeks 21 and 22 free, saving $50.00.


All categories – $35.00

Payment of Stall Fees – Stall rental fees shall be paid at the end of each market day according to the rates. The Manager, or designated person in charge, will collect the amount due. Vendors should make payment payable to: Sedro-Woolley Farmers’ Market.



All members of the Farmers’ Market will behave toward Market customers, members, staff, and volunteers in a professional manner which fosters a sense of Market community and camaraderie, a spirit of cooperative involvement, and which promotes the Market as a whole to the local community it serves.


The Board will appoint a Market Manager to assume managerial responsibilities. This includes: collecting fees, monitoring activities, recording gross sales information, verifying and recording proper permits, and imposing disciplinary action as needed. The Market Manager also has the authority to grant exceptions to Market policies on an individual basis for cause. The Manager will be onsite from the beginning of the set-up time until premises are cleared at the end of the day.


Discrimination – Members of The Sedro-Woolley Farmers’ Market, market employees, and other persons selling at the market or participating in Market functions, whether dealing with customers of the market or with other market members, shall not discriminate against any individual in regard to selling of products, hiring, promotion, discipline, or other matters because of age, sex, race, creed, color, national origin, sexual orientation, or the presence of any physical, mental or sensory disability.

Harassment – Vendors, staff and board members will be afforded an environment free from harassment, threats, and intimidation.


It is the policy of the Sedro-Woolley Farmers’ Market to comply with the spirit and intent of federal equal employment opportunity laws and rules.

All vendors, staff and Board Members shall project the necessary attitudes and behavior to ensure that harassment does not occur.

Vendors, staff, or Board Members observing or having knowledge of incidents or practices within the Market which are deemed harassment as defined in this policy shall report their observations to the Manager, or designated person in charge, or file a grievance with the Board of Directors.

The Sedro Woolley Farmers’ Market will not tolerate instances in which a vendor, staff member, or Board Member is retaliated upon in any way for complaining of harassment. Confidentiality will be maintained whenever possible. Violators of this policy shall be subject to disciplinary action in accordance with Farmers’ Market policy.

Sexual Harassment – Sexual harassment is a practice that violates federal equal employment opportunity laws and violates the principles of the Sedro-Woolley Farmers’ Market. It will not be tolerated under any circumstances. Violators of this policy shall be subject to disciplinary action in accordance with Farmers’ Market policy.

The following acts are considered sexual harassment:

  • Promise of employment or continued employment made implicitly or explicitly predicated on sexual activity as a condition for employment.
  • Implicit or explicit coercive sexual behavior to control, influence, or affect any employee, contractor, customer, potential customer, or vendor.
  • Deliberate or unsolicited verbal comments, gestures, or physical contacts of a sexual nature which are unwelcome or interfere with work performance or create an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment. Sexual harassment exists when these behaviors occur and are unwelcome.

Foul Language – Foul language will not be tolerated at the Sedro-Woolley Farmers’ Market.

Firearms/Fireworks – No firearms or fireworks permitted on the premises.

Amplified Music – No amplified music or paging systems are permitted unless approved by the Board of Directors.

Skateboards/Roller Blades/Bicycles – No skateboards, roller blades or bicycle riding will be allowed on the premises.

Smoking Policy – Smoking by vendors or customers is not allowed. SMOKING IN PUBLIC RESTROOMS IS PROHIBITED BY LAW AND BY MARKET POLICY.

Drug and Alcohol Possession Policy – The possession or use of illegal drugs and/or alcohol on the Farmers’ Market site will not be tolerated. Vendors will be immediately and permanently expelled from the market if drug and alcohol laws are broken.

Pets – City leash laws will be in effect. Problem pets will be dealt with by the market manager or designated person in charge.

Political/Religious ActivitiesThe Market is not a forum for political or religious activities. Permits will not be issued to persons or organizations wishing to campaign or proselytize.

Check Policy – Any vendor with an NSF check to the market may be charged a $20 fee, in addition to any fees incurred by the market from the bank. If a second offense occurs, the vendor may be expelled from the market.


Stall Clean-Up – Each vendor is responsible for cleaning his/her stall area, including removing any garbage and boxes from the market site. If this is not done to the satisfaction of the Manager or designated person in charge after one initial warning, the vendor may be fined $30 per occasion, and/or may be excluded from participation in the Market.

Vendor Display Rules – Table displays and signs must allow clear visibility and access to adjoining stalls. Display and selling techniques must not impair other vendors’ ability to sell. Exceptions may be approved by the Market Manager, or designated person in charge.

Punctuality – All vendors with assigned stalls must be at their stall by 2:15pm ready to begin selling by pm, OR have made prior arrangements with the market manager, or designated person in charge. Reserved stalls shall be forfeited after 2:45pm

Set-Up – On market days, 1:30pm until market opening is available for stall set-up. All vendors should check-in with the market manager or designated person in charge upon arrival. During this period, vendors may enter the market area for the purpose of readying their stall space for that day’s sales. No sales are allowed during set-up time. Vendors are required to remain until closing. VEHICLES SHALL NOT ENTER OR EXIT THE MARKET SITE AFTER 2:45 PM, OR BEFORE 7:00 PM on Market day. Exceptions to this policy must be approved in advance by the Manager, or designated person in charge.

Vendor Vehicles – Vendors may drive in designated market areas very carefully to unload and load only. Vendors parking offsite should park as far away as possible, or as directed by the Market Manager or designated person in charge. Prime parking spaces should be left for market customers. To alleviate traffic hazards and jam-ups, vendors are asked to unload their vehicles immediately without unpacking boxes or beginning to arrange displays until after the vehicle has been removed from the area. At the end of the selling day vendors will not enter the market with your vehicle until your products have been boxed and are ready to load, and no earlier than 7:00pm, unless approved by the manager or designated person in charge.

Booths, Canopies and Tables – Booths, canopies, chairs, and tables are the responsibility of the vendor. Spaces are 10 ft wide. Canopies MUST fit within this space and be tied immediately with 25 lbs of suspended weight at each of the 4 corners as specified by the Washington State Farmers’ Market Association and the Sedro-Woolley Farmers’ Market Board of Directors.

Health Practices – All vendors must adhere to Skagit County Health Department sanitary procedures. Any vendor suspected of selling contaminated foodstuffs or selling in an unsanitary fashion will be asked to suspend sales until the Skagit County Health Department provides satisfactory clearance. All vendors must wear shirts and shoes. Sampling of food products must comply with Health Department rules.

Attendance for Assigned Booths – A maximum of 3 days absence without notice will be allowed each year without loss of assigned stall space for those vendors with assigned stalls. Contact Market Manager, or the designated person in charge, a minimum of 48-hours in advance if you will be absent, or you may be charged for the day. Absence for extended illness may be excused with written documentation provided by a physician.

Information Required at Closing – At the end of the market day, vendors shall submit a form provided by the Market Manager. This form will include their category or subcategories, their business name, and their day’s exact gross sales (less any sales tax collected).

Printed Material – No petitions, or other printed material will be distributed or displayed at the Sedro-Woolley Farmers’ Market, other than those related to the products sold, without prior approval by the Market Manager, or designated person in charge.

Insurance – It is recommended that each vendor have their own product liability insurance.

Unified Business Identification (UBI) Number – Each vendor must provide the Sedro-Woolley Farmers’ Market with a UBI number from the State of Washington.


  • Customers will receive tokens from market booth.
  • Each vendor will be responsible for remitting all tokens and script as long as the total amount equates to over $10. (Exceptions can be made with market manager)
  • Turn in all script and tokens to with your sales sheet.
  • Reimbursements will be issued the following week.


Quality – The Farmers’ Market strives to provide a marketplace where fresh and wholesome products are sold. The Market Manager, or designated person in charge, shall have the responsibility, in cooperation with regulatory agencies, for maintaining quality control as it relates to health and safety issues at the Market. Any vendor selling at The Sedro-Woolley Farmers’ Market shall guarantee the quality of the products they offer. This shall apply to any food, craft, plant, or any other item sold at the Market.


  • All vendors are required to advertise truthfully and to respond to customer’s questions in a like manner.
  • Eastern Washington Produce resellers must display a sign indicating product coming from Eastern Washington.
  • Use of the word “organic” is restricted to those who have in fact, been so certified by the Department of Agriculture. Under State law, organic growers selling less than $5000 annually are not required to be certified to label their product “organic”.

Signs – All vendors must have a sign at their Market site. The sign must have the farm or business name, and location.

Logo Use – Members wishing to use the Sedro-Woolley Farmers’ Market logo must apply in writing to the Board of Directors.

Pricing – Pricing of goods sold at the Market and any applicable taxes are the sole responsibility of the individual vendor. The advertising of discounted prices, to promote other non-Market locations is not permitted on the Market site.

Selling excess produce (dumping) that would destroy the price competitiveness of other vendors is strongly discouraged. We strongly suggest that produce not be priced below the going rate.



Membership Fees – Annual membership fee for all membership categories is $25.00. A one-time application fee of $5.00 will be charged the first year. The Board and/or the Membership Committee can accept late memberships depending on circumstances. Daily drop-in vendors will be accepted without being members, but no seniority or other privileges will accrue to non-members.

Late Fee – Any outstanding fees must be paid before the vendor will be allowed to continue selling at the Market.

Vendor Utility Fees – Vendors who use an electrical connection will be required to pay a flat fee, as set by the “stall fee schedule”. No portable generators are allowed, except by special consideration of the Board.


Enforcement of Market Policies

    1. Market Site

The Market Manager will determine if any vendor is failing to adhere to the policies set forth herein. Such failure will result as follows:

      • 1st offense – verbal warning
      • 2nd offense – written warning
      • 3rd offense – expulsion from the market for that day**.
      • 4th offense – expulsion from the market for remainder of the season**.

**The vendor is responsible for packing his/her product and belongings when asked to leave the market. If the vendor does not pack, the Market Manager has the authority to appoint others to help pack the vendor’s products and belongings. The Market Association will not be held liable for any damage caused during such packing. The vendor is legally responsible for any damage that might occur while being escorted out of the Market.

    1. All Other Market Gatherings (Off-Site)

The Market Manager, President, or Chairperson (chair of the event) will determine if any vendor or participant is failing to adhere to the policies set forth here. Such failure will result in:

    • 1st offense – verbal warning
    • 2nd offense – expulsion from event, documented in writing via the minutes and written notice to offender, written by the person in charge.
    • 3rd offense – expulsion from events for remainder of the season, documented in writing via the minutes and written notice to offender, written by the person in charge.
  1. Appeals will be handled as directed in the Appeals section.

Product Challenge – It is the intent of the Market to offer customers fresh, high-quality goods and farm direct products. Products deemed inconsistent with Market guidelines may be challenged by any vendor, the Market Manager or Board Member. A challenge must be submitted in writing to the Market Manager before action will be taken.

The Challenge process will be as follows:

  • Vendor will receive written notice of challenge.
  • Vendor will be required to respond, in writing, to the challenge before the following Market day.
  • Challenge to be resolved within one week of vendor response to the satisfaction of the Market Manager and two Board Members chosen by lottery.
  • The disciplinary process will be:
    • 1st offense – written warning
    • 2nd offense – one week suspension
    • 3rd offense – forfeiture of space(s) for the remainder of the season. In order to participate in the following year’s Market, suspended vendors must make application to the Market’s Board of Directors prior to the following season.

Should a vendor member, market staff person, or a Board member feel his/her rights as a member of the Farmer’s Market have been violated, or feel that another vendor, the Market Manager, market staff person or Board member has acted outside of the authority of their position or in a way which has harmed the Farmer’s Market as a whole, the following steps will be taken:

  • The appeal or complaint must be in writing to the President of the Board and include: a clear and specific description of the problem; the name(s) of the person(s) involved, including the person bringing the appeal; and a description of the way(s) in which the aggrieved person has attempted to resolve the problem, if applicable.
  • Copies of the written appeal/complaint should be distributed to the Board of Directors and to all persons involved in the matter.
  • The President of the Board will acknowledge receipt of the appeal and recommend, within 14 days, a course of action for dealing with it. The course of action may include, but is not limited to:
    • Mediation between the affected parties.
    • Setting up a committee of the Board to hear the appeal from all sides and recommend a course of action to the Board.
    • Determining that the appeal should be dealt with through other channels.

If, after completion of the course of action, the matter remains unresolved, the President shall schedule a meeting of the Board within ten days.

The Board of Directors has final authority in deciding on the outcome of any appeal that is not resolved through mediation.


Purpose of Inspection – To assure that products sold at the Market are vendor produced as required in the Bylaws, and that the vendors residence and farm/production facility is located (in order of preference) in Skagit, Whatcom, Island, San Juan counties, or elsewhere in Western Washington. Inspectors will note production capabilities of the facilities they visit. If a discrepancy is apparent, the Market Manager may deny the vendor access to the Market.

Inspection Process and Guidelines

    1. The Market Manager or designated person in charge will keep a record of inspections.


    1. All new vendors may be inspected prior to selling at the Market.


    1. Vendors with a change of address, change of items, or change of other circumstances, must inform the Market Manager or designated person in charge of such changes. Inspections may be required in these instances.


    1. Vendors may be inspected when the Market Manager or designated person in charge has received complaints.


    1. Vendors may be asked to supply 2 specific references in lieu of an on-site inspection.


    1. Vendors will be contacted 24 hours in advance of inspection.


    1. If the Market Manager or designated person in charge cannot verify that a vendor produces his/her own product, membership may be denied. The vendor may appeal to the Board of Directors.


  1. The Board must respond to written appeals within thirty (30) days. The Board has final authority to resolve all discrepancies referred by the Market Manager or designated person in charge or appealed by a vendor.

Greenhouse Vendor Guidelines

  • Definition: A greenhouse vendor is an individual whose products are grown and nurtured, using seed, bulbs, plugs, cuttings, divisions, etc., within a greenhouse structure, owned and/or operated by that vendor member.
  • All greenhouse vendors must have the plants in the operator’s care sixty days prior to selling the plants.


To assure quality crafts at the Market, all new craft vendors will be juried. The jury process is a set of criteria for determining eligibility to sell at the market. Work should be made by showing imagination, skill, and the mark of the craftsperson’s individuality. Prospective craft persons not accepted at the jury session may reapply at a later session.

Items Not Acceptable for Jurying – Items made from kits, commercially available plans or transfers and items that are mechanically mass-produced, used, or commercially manufactured are not acceptable.

Jury Process and Guidelines

  • Yearly jurying will not occur for returning craft vendors. To be able to return as a craft vendor each year, every craft vendor must show an average daily sales of $25 or more. Craft vendors who show an average daily sales of less than $1 for three consecutive weeks must re-submit their work to the jurying process and may lose their stall placement. The craft vendor will retain any accrued points.
  • Any qualifying returning crafters with new items not in their category that they wish to sell must jury new items.
  • The new prospective craft person will be juried by bringing a representative sampling of their work, in person, accompanied by a craft application. Samples of work must be limited to three items per craft, including any new items. In the event that more craft vendors are needed for the market, a special jury session can be scheduled by the Craft Committee.
  • Starting in 2003, returning craft vendors will have seniority based on their previous market points. All successfully juried new craft vendors will be placed on the roll call list according to their jury score. Ties will be broken by the date of application.
  • The craft jury will be comprised of a minimum of three jurors, chosen from the community. Jurors or their families may not be market vendors. They will be chosen by the Board. A non-crafter market member will be present during the jurying process to answer questions.

Jury Scoring

  • Market Enhancement (how the item will complement other vendors and overall Market environment).
  • Originality of Design
  • Quality of Workmanship
  • Artist Involvement (what percentage of an item is actually made or extensively altered by the artist).
  • Craft vendors may sell only those items that have been approved by the jury at the Market.
  • Craft vendors are subject to the conditions of the Vendor Inspector section.

Jury Set-up and Scoring

  • A score cutoff point will be determined by the Market Manager and a non-crafter Board member. Jury scores will be tallied by this team.
  • A list of Crafters who pass jury will be submitted to the Board for approval.
  • Notification of the jury decision will be mailed to all applicants within 3 weeks of the jury date.
  • Each applicant will receive a score and be rated on each topic on a scale of 1 to 5 (1 = strongly disagree that item meets criteria of 11.4 E, 5 = strongly agree).
  • Each juror will independently view and rate entries.


Prospective performers must register with the Market Manager on their first visit to the Market. Performers will check in with the Market Manager each Wednesday to receive their location assignments. Performers will not be charged a space fee.

Types of entertainment that will be accepted within the Market include: acoustic (non-electric), percussion, and vocal musicians; children’s puppet theater, clowns, improv performers, jugglers, and magicians.

Performers cannot ask for money but may place a donation basket in one location; it cannot be passed around.

Entertainers will be limited to one hour. The Market Manager has the discretion to limit or extend the playing time of entertainers. Playing from the curb is prohibited, or from Market owned benches and tables. Entertainers must bring their own props (chairs, etc.).

Any performing group with over three (3) members or amplification must be in designated areas only and not circulate throughout the Market.


Since this is a farmers’ market, and since farmers and processors have perishable products that attract regular weekly customers, they are given priority in stall assignments. In recognition of the fact that crafters are an essential part of the farmers’ market and add variety and beauty to the Market displays, some seasonally assigned stalls will be reserved for crafters.

The market manager assigns stalls with Board approval. The market manager may adjust stall assignments as needed during the market season. The Board of Directors has final authority for deciding stall assignments and establishing priorities that are in the best interest of the farmers’ market as a whole.

If a vendor is not at the market for a year, the vendor’s previous stall assignment is not guaranteed.

Stall assignments consider vendor seniority and commitment to the Market and, at the same time, take into account the needs of the Market in providing a variety of quality products in an atmosphere of beauty and friendliness.

Seniority is a major consideration in stall assignments. Seniority shall be established by points gained in previous years.

  • One point shall be given for each day’s attendance.
  • Two points per previous year attended with 80% attendance.
  • One-quarter (1/4) point per event shall be given for a volunteer participation activity, such as participating on the Board, a Committee, or a work party. Holiday programs (e.g. Holiday at the Market, Holiday Tree Auction) are excluded from the point system. Vendors will submit an itemized point tally by November 15th each year.

Vendors will be notified of their point totals before each Annual Meeting.

Reseller Vendors – The Board will place all resellers. Resellers will not be assigned seniority points.

Roll Call – All vendors not assigned stalls by the Board will be placed on a Roll Call list.


  1. Farmers (voting members) – vendors who sell at the SWFM produce, plants and/or animals that they raise, care for, cultivate and harvest on land in Western Washington. Membership is limited to vendors whose residence and farm/production facility is located in Skagit, Whatcom, Island, Snohomish, and San Juan Counties. Preference will be given to Skagit County farmers/vendors. Membership preference is given to individuals or single-family units. New vendor applicants in partnerships, associations, businesses, cooperatives, must apply to and receive specific approval from the Board of Directors before selling at the Farmers’ Market. Such approval will be given on a case-by-case basis.

    Market space preference will first be given to Skagit County farmers, then to Whatcom, Island, and San Juan County farmers, then to other farmers in Western Washington. Farmers must make at least 80% of their annual gross Farmers’ Market revenue from the products they raise (as opposed to craft items or specially approved processed food items) to qualify for the farmer category of membership. Farmers with seasonal products who are also crafters will be assigned to the farmer category only when their product is in season and is their primary item at the Market. This category is limited to products grown by the farmer and shall not include the resale of any item.

  2. Processors (voting members) – vendors who sell at the SWFM processed foods that they have personally prepared on their own or leased/rented property. Processors offer fresh food products such as hand filleted fish, smoked or butcher meats, ciders, baked goods, homemade candies, jams, etc. that have added value to their product through some sort of “hands-on” processing. Processors must meet all federal, state, county, and local health requirements. All appropriate permits and licenses shall be displayed whenever a processor is selling at the SWFM. Processors must produce their products in Washington. Processed foods should use ingredients from Washington farms or waters as much as possible. Market space preference will be given to Skagit County processors who use ingredients from Washington farms or waters.

    Prospective processors shall first discuss their plans with the Market Manager and then, shall apply in writing to the Board. The application shall describe product, facilities (as applicable), licensing status, etc. Upon receipt of the written application the prospective vendor will be placed on the agenda of a future Board meeting for consideration of the proposal.

  3. Crafters (voting members) – vendors who craft with their own hands the products they offer for sale at the SWFM. To qualify as a crafter, the majority of the tools and equipment used by the crafter to produce their products must require skills, personal handling and/or guidance by the crafter. Crafters should incorporate materials grown and/or produced in Washington as much as possible. Crafters must create their products in Washington. Crafters must:
    • Be successfully juried by the Jurying Committee;
    • Maintain minimum craft sales as specified in the Craft Vendor Jurying section
  4. Prepared Food Vendors (Concessionaires) (non-voting member) – vendors who offer freshly made foods available for sale and immediate consumption on-site at the SWFM. Prepared food vendors shall possess and maintain all required federal, state, county, and local permits. Prepared food vendors should use ingredients produced in Washington as much as possible. When selecting food vendors, the SWFM will strive to provide a good variety of healthy foods. Market space preference will also be given to prepared food vendors who live and work in Skagit County and who use ingredients produced in Washington.
  5. Resellers and Out-of-Area Producers (non-voting member) – Resellers will be selected by the Board to operate under contract with the SWFM. Resellers are sellers or growers of crops that cannot be grown reliably, or offered for sale in sufficient quantity, by local farmers in Western Washington selling at the SWFM, as determined by the SWFM Board of Directors with two weeks’ notice given to the President of the Board. Resellers are persons who buy produce from farmers in Washington State and resell it directly to the consumer. Resellers must have crops pre-approved by the Board of Directors before delivering the crops to the SWFM for sale. The resold crops will be specifically limited, so as not to compete with the crops of farmers within Skagit County, and other local areas. The reseller must label their products as being resold, and information must be available to the consumer as to what farms produced these products. The reseller is expected to be the only step between grower and consumer.
  6. Non-Vendor Fees – As a service to our community The Sedro-Woolley Farmers’ Market may allow various groups, as well as entertainers to use the Market’s open areas, on a space-available basis, and at the discretion of the Board. Fees may be waived for educational or municipal groups.



The Board of Directors will be elected by a majority of the members present at the annual membership meeting. Each member of the 7- to 11-person Board will have a 2-year term, with at least 42% of Board Members coming up for re-election each year. The Executive Committee, consisting of at least four members (President, Vice-President, Treasurer and Secretary) will be elected by a quorum of the Board annually.

The Board of Directors shall supervise and direct the business and the affairs of the SWFM and shall make all rules and regulations not inconsistent with law or with the by-laws for the management of the business and the guidance of the members, officers, employees, and agents of the Market. With a quorum of the voting members of the Market, as defined in the by-laws, a majority vote can override decisions made by the Board.

Jeremy Kindlund, Market Manager


Jen Milton, President

Maggie Miller, Vice President

Adele Eslinger, Secretary

Kimberlee Smith, Treasurer

Board Members

Deborah Moskowitz

Aracely Padilla

Ali Schrader

Jessica Stiles

Board Meetings – Regular Board Meetings will be held as needed, although meetings will occur at least quarterly. Market members may express their concerns by attending a regular Board Meeting and/or submitting their input to a Board member in writing. Market members requesting action on a specific issue, or who would like to propose policy or policy changes, concerns and/or proposals must be submitted in writing to a Board member, at least five days prior to a Board Meeting.

Committees – The purpose of committees is to assist the Board. Committees serve in an advisory capacity, help to draft policy proposals, collect information, and handle tasks and projects assigned to them by the Board. The Board of Directors is in charge of directing the work of the committees and defining the scope of their activities. Committees are encouraged to take the initiative to work on projects within the scope of their written charge. Communication between the Board and committees is crucial to an effective working relationship. Committee members must be Sedro-Woolley Farmers’ Market members. The Board of Directors may create or disband committees as necessary. Committees will operate under a written charge, approved by the Board, spelling out the purpose and the scope of activity of the committee.

Committee Guidelines – Committees report to the Board at each regular Board Meeting. A synopsis of committee reports will be included in Board meeting minutes.


Annual Membership Meeting – The annual meeting of the members of this Market shall be held in the County of Skagit, State of Washington, by the end of each calendar year.

Special Membership Meetings – Special meetings of the members of the Market may be called at any time by order of the Board of Directors.

Notice of Membership Meetings – Verbal, written, email, or printed notice of every regular, special, and annual meeting of members shall be transmitted to the last recorded street address, email address, or phone number of each voting member not less than ten (10) days before each meeting. Such notice will state the object or objects, time, and place of the meeting. No business shall be transacted at special membership meetings other than that referred to in the meeting notice.

Voting Members – All voting members shall be entitled to a vote at any annual or special meeting of the Market membership. A family or partnership, which has paid for one membership, shall be considered one unit with one vote. Voting by proxy is not allowed.

Quorum – The quorum for the annual meeting shall be 40 percent of the voting membership. A simple majority vote of the voting membership present will decide all actions except By-law amendments.